Of Godzone that is.........
One of the things that I know I could and should do (far more of and more often) is to to write a regular blog to build readership for the great New Zild novels that I reckon I have already created and those that are swirling around in the back of my mind.
Of course it is never that easy. I have a job that I quite like and pays me petty well and seems to take up a lot of my time and a Command Control Authority (CCA) that also keeps me in line.
For me writing is pretty much a hobby, I can dream that one day I will be able to write full time and be able to keep myself and the CCA living pretty much as we do today. Realistically, fat chance of that ever happening. The CCA wouldn't stand for it and I also want to buy a new motorbike later on in the year.
Now you maybe wondering what this has to do with the new MP for Northland.
Well quite a bit really. Well it did when I was having a beer and thinking about this and then deciding that I should write something. I'll keep tapping away and maybe it will come to me.
It shouldn't actually be a surprise to people that Winston won the Northland seat recently and that he is so popular in the region. After all, he is one of their (our) own and his redneck immigration policies aside (not too far down the track we are all immigrants after all) he stands for the middle road and. in Northland that is what the people want.
The right level of government support where it is required for the people that need it and a reasonably level playing field for business to do it's thing and get stuff done. Nothing more and nothing less. A version of the great egalitarian Kiwi view of life that not too long ago was the way we viewed ourselves.
And yes, here is that little nugget that I was searching for. It was going to be something along the lines of don't leave it until too late to do the things on your bucket list.
But actually, the little nugget is that it is never too late to do the right thing.
You could start here by buying the great New Zild novel and then support NZild First.
Fill your boots and starve the oxygen thieves.